us", "w e", or "o ur") op erates the we bsite (h ereinafter re ferred to as the "Service").This zi
weuphyjidkghl in forms you of our po licies re garding the co llection, us e, and di sclosure of pe rsonal da ta wh en you use our Se rvice and the ch oices you ha ve as sociated wi th th at da ta. The Pr ivacy Po licy for in fo has be en cr eated wi th the he lp of Pr ivacy Po licy Generator.We use yo
ur da ta to pr ovide and im prove the Se rvice. By us ing the Se rvice, you ag ree to the co llection and use of in formation in ac cordance wi th th is po licy. Un less ot herwise de fined in th is Pr ivacy Po licy, the te rms us ed in th is Pr ivacy Po licy ha ve the sa me me anings as in our Te rms and Co nditions, ac cessible fr omService
Service is the we
bsite op eratedPersonal Data
Personal Da
ta me ans da ta ab out a li ving in dividual who can be id entified fr om th ose da ta (or fr om th ose and ot her in formation ei ther in our po ssession or li kely to co me in to our possession).Usage Data
Usage Da
ta is da ta co llected au tomatically ei ther ge nerated by the use of the Se rvice or fr om the Se rvice in frastructure it self (f or ex ample, the du ration of a zi weuphyjidkghl visit).Cookies
Cookies are sm
all fi les st ored on yo ur de vice (c omputer or mo bile device).We co
llect se veral di fferent ty pes of in formation for va rious pu rposes to pr ovide and im prove our Se rvice to you.While us
ing our Se rvice, we may ask you to pr ovide us wi th ce rtain pe rsonally id entifiable in formation th at can be us ed to co ntact or id entify you (" Personal Da ta"). Pe rsonally id entifiable in formation may in clude, but is not li mited to:We may al
so co llect in formation how the Se rvice is ac cessed and us ed (" Usage Da ta"). Th is Us age Da ta may in clude in formation su ch as yo ur co mputer's In ternet Pr otocol ad dress (e .g. IP ad dress), br owser ty pe, br owser ve rsion, the pa ges of our Se rvice th at you vi sit, the ti me and da te of yo ur vi sit, the ti me sp ent on th ose pa ges, un ique de vice id entifiers and ot her di agnostic data.We use co
okies and si milar tr acking te chnologies to tr ack the ac tivity on our Se rvice and we ho ld ce rtain information.Cookies are fi
les wi th a sm all am ount of da ta wh ich may in clude an an onymous un ique id entifier. Co okies are se nt to yo ur br owser fr om a we bsite and st ored on yo ur de vice. Ot her tr acking te chnologies are al so us ed su ch as be acons, ta gs and sc ripts to co llect and tr ack in formation and to im prove and an alyse our Service.You can in
struct yo ur br owser to re fuse all co okies or to in dicate wh en a co okie is be ing se nt. Ho wever, if you do not ac cept co okies, you may not be ab le to use so me po rtions of our Service.Examples of Co
okies we use:us
es the co llected da ta for va rious purposes:Your in
formation, in cluding Pe rsonal Da ta, may be tr ansferred to - and ma intained on - co mputers lo cated ou tside of yo ur st ate, pr ovince, co untry or ot her go vernmental ju risdiction wh ere the da ta pr otection la ws may di ffer th an th ose fr om yo ur jurisdiction.If you are lo
cated ou tside Th ailand and ch oose to pr ovide in formation to us, pl ease no te th at we tr ansfer the da ta, in cluding Pe rsonal Da ta, to Th ailand and pr ocess it there.Your co
nsent to th is Pr ivacy Po licy fo llowed by yo ur su bmission of su ch in formation re presents yo ur ag reement to th at transfer.wi
ll ta ke all st eps re asonably ne cessary to en sure th at yo ur da ta is tr eated se curely and in ac cordance wi th th is Pr ivacy Po licy and no tr ansfer of yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta wi ll ta ke pl ace to an or ganization or a co untry un less th ere are ad equate co ntrols in pl ace in cluding the se curity of yo ur da ta and ot her pe rsonal information.may di
sclose yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta in the go od fa ith be lief th at su ch ac tion is ne cessary to:As an Eu
ropean ci tizen, un der GD PR, you ha ve ce rtain in dividual ri ghts. You can le arn mo re ab out th ese gu ides in the GD PR Guide.The se
curity of yo ur da ta is im portant to us but re member th at no me thod of tr ansmission ov er the In ternet or me thod of el ectronic st orage is 10 0% se cure. Wh ile we st rive to use co mmercially ac ceptable me ans to pr otect yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta, we ca nnot gu arantee its ab solute security.We may em
ploy th ird pa rty co mpanies and in dividuals to fa cilitate our Se rvice (" Service Pr oviders"), to pr ovide the Se rvice on our be half, to pe rform Se rvice-related se rvices or to as sist us in an alyzing how our Se rvice is used.These th
ird pa rties ha ve ac cess to yo ur Pe rsonal Da ta on ly to pe rform th ese ta sks on our be half and are ob ligated not to di sclose or use it for any ot her purpose.Our Se
rvice may co ntain li nks to ot her si tes th at are not op erated by us. If you cl ick a th ird pa rty li nk, you wi ll be di rected to th at th ird pa rty's si te. We st rongly ad vise you to re view the Pr ivacy Po licy of ev ery si te you visit.We ha
ve no co ntrol ov er and as sume no re sponsibility for the co ntent, pr ivacy po licies or pr actices of any th ird pa rty si tes or services.Our Se
rvice do es not ad dress an yone un der the age of 18 ("Children").We do not kn
owingly co llect pe rsonally id entifiable in formation fr om an yone un der the age of 18. If you are a pa rent or gu ardian and you are aw are th at yo ur Ch ild has pr ovided us wi th Pe rsonal Da ta, pl ease co ntact us. If we be come aw are th at we ha ve co llected Pe rsonal Da ta fr om ch ildren wi thout ve rification of pa rental co nsent, we ta ke st eps to re move th at in formation fr om our servers.We may up
date our Pr ivacy Po licy fr om ti me to ti me. We wi ll no tify you of any ch anges by po sting the new Pr ivacy Po licy on th is page.We wi
ll let you kn ow via em ail an d/or a pr ominent no tice on our Se rvice, pr ior to the ch ange be coming ef fective and up date the "e ffective da te" at the top of th is Pr ivacy Policy.You are ad
vised to re view th is Pr ivacy Po licy pe riodically for any ch anges. Ch anges to th is Pr ivacy Po licy are ef fective wh en th ey are po sted on th is page.If you ha
ve any qu estions ab out th is Pr ivacy Po licy, pl ease co ntact us: